Wednesday, January 29, 2014

This Snow...

Living in Louisiana, of course we don't get hardly anything besides rain, hurricanes, and heat. The past 7 days we have gotten snow and ice twice, resulting in 3 days off of work and school.  As much as I love staying in my pajamas and having a Glee marathon on Netflix as much as the next person, I'M OVER IT!

This snow business is for the freakin' birds (and of course northerners).  I would rather take a sweltering day in the middle of summer, getting into a 130 degree car and barely be able to hold the steering wheel than do this again. The snow if "all magical" and everything but it's so cold I could key a car with my nipples.

I have to say I did enjoy staying in Monday night with one of my very best friends and coworkers.  With our double shot daiquiris, We had long talks, told secrets, and ate too much junk food (at least her daughters and I did). 

The town has shut down twice in one week over this unusual weather and there have been so many car accidents because people can't drive in this. 

Nope, I can't. No Fucks are given.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Working It

I've been in and out of the gym and running around the park for about a year now. Now I'm finally trying to commit to it and I've learned I've become a gym rat already since January 11 when I started this journey. I have a wonderful, athletic, crossfittin' coworker, Ashley, who has become a great mentor to me and my other coworkers. Here's a few things I've learned recently and over the past year about being physically active and working out...

  1. Drink Protein shakes! I don't care if every other girly girl in their skin tight shorts and string tank isn't doing it. DO IT! Here's why.You would be amazed how much better your muscles feel in the morning when you replenish your protein after you work out. Most women don't want to drink or eat a lot of protein because they think it will bulk them up or make the "fat", I'm here to tell you that it WILL NOT MAKE YOU FAT if you are working out while drinking it. Now mind you, you can't drink a protein shake and sit on the couch and have a netflix marathon and expect results.
  2. Focus on one muscle group each work out along with cardio. I'm here to tell you I've been there and done that. You get into the gym and you do you one muscle group and you feel like you have done nothing.  The next thing you know you're still there 2 hours later having a full body work out.  The next day you wake up, your body is killing you but you go at it again. This is hurting you more than helping you! By not giving you muscles time to recover you are tearing your muscles fibers beyond repair. How do muscles grow you ask? It's a very delicate process, but to sum it up in simplest terms, by working you muscle you create tiny tears in your muscle fibers, when these fibers mend themselves, they grown back slightly larger, hence building muscle.
  3. Stretch, Stretch, Stretch! remember to stretch before you work out, and even after if you feel it's needed. Every time you go to the gym you see people jump on the treadmill and go full blast or go 0 to 60 on weights. Just don't do it!  It's a terrible feeling to cramp up or feel yourself pull a muscle in the middle of a work out. Stretching is a very important part of exercise!


Saturday, January 25, 2014

I Don't Care What you Think as Long as it's About Me

First of all let me tell you about myself. My name is Monica. I'm a stubborn, unfiltered, hard-working, driven, occasionally emotionally, strong, 22 year-old woman.

I'm a nurse assistant for a wonderful cardiovascular surgeon who saves lives daily. Even though sometimes my high-stress job makes me want to scream, I absolutely love it. I love my doctor, my coworkers (whom are firstly some of my best friends), and my patients.

I'm in over 2 year relationship with a wonderful, hard working man, Charlie. Even though sometimes I want to choke him and he to me, I wouldn't have it any other way. I have so many scars and irrational fears from past relationships. I was in a relationship with verbal abuse, I was beaten down until I had no self esteem, and told I wasn't physically attractive. I was broken up with every time there was a fight or I voiced my opinion. Now, Charlie has loved me for who I am and comforted my with all my emotional meltdowns, tears, and fears. I love him for that. Today, I will never let a man treat me that way again. I will always voiced my opinion and stand up for myself and not back down.
I don't have any children yet, but it is a life goal I must achieve. I could not imagine not being a mother. Charlie does have one beautiful 5 year-old daughter that we get every other weekend.

This blog is about my journey to get fit and become a mentally sound young woman, what makes me laugh, cry, and proud.